1·Higher market prices make it possible to reduce subsidies without hurting incomes.
2·Higher market costs have started to show up in the company's overall operating margins.
3·This suggests that both stronger profits and a higher market share are the twin rewards for better performance.
4·Currently product made in the Company ranked relatively higher market share in some electrolysis application industries.
5·The difference between the par value and the higher market value of a security expressed as a percentage of the par value.
6·Our main empirical findings are: (1) firms with higher governance levels (higher G-Index scores) have higher market valuations;
我们的实证研究发现:( 1 )治理水平高的企业其市场价值也高;
7·Sanyo, for instance, enjoys a higher market share for its white goods in the fast-growing economies of south-east Asia than it does in Japan.
8·Williamson argued that higher uncertainty would cause higher market transaction cost and raise the probability of vertical integration of firm.
9·It is worth stressing that EU producers of textiles, threatened by competitors in the "low-cost countries", have moved their products to higher market segments.
10·While the company products enjoying higher market share in the homeland, fairly distant pin Southeast Asia, Middle East, South America, and most countries and regions of Europe.